News, updates and tips about technology and beyond.
How Is My Disk Space Full?
You might be asking yourself, "How is my hard drive disk full?" or "Where is most of the space of my hard drive being stored?" I had been struggling with one of my computers with this very point for a long time. I had a whole routine worked out to keep my hard drive...
The Mandalorian Baby Yoda Craze
Why People Love The New Disney+ Mandalorian Series The short answer is just two words, Baby Yoda. The series main two characters are The Mandalorian and what the internet is calling Baby Yoda. Before The Mandalorian was released all we saw of Yoda's species was older...
The Death of Abode Flash
Adobe Flash with reach end of life at the end of 2020Adobe Flash was once a dominate program in the web landscape. Flash helped make websites interactive and more visually appealing. However over the past 10 years there have been 2 major factors that have contributed...